Guangzhou KangYi Leather Technology Co.,Ltd has dedicated to the development ,design,production and sales for various computer bags,backpacks,technoligical bags and promotional gift bags for 20 years.
The factory has passed audit such as SGS,BSCI,ISO9000 etc.There are two major production bases, located in Guangzhou & Hunan ,with more than 10 professional production lines and 280 workers, and monthly product capacity over 200000-400000PCS. LeiYang Branch factory is even the first dust-free workshop production base in bags area over the country.
At present, our products have been exported to all over the world. And we have become the business partner with many famous brands in the domestic and overseas,such as Lenovo,Dell,HP,Acer,Toshiba,Fujitsu,Everki,Wal-Mart, etc.